The Godfather (1972)
Not as good as I remember.
8 February 2001
I saw this movie years ago, and I loved it. It was my favourite movie. This morning, I watched it again, and began to pick it apart.

This movie is first and foremost overlong. Unnecessary dialogue and scenes weaken the raw effect that could have been produced. The musical sequence after Pacino does his restauant thing is unlike any other in the movie, it doesn't fit in. The part of the movie detailing Pacino's stay in Italy is poorly done, and also doesn't fit in.

Some of the performances are dull, such as Keaton's, Lettieri, and Conti. Yes, I do believe Brando's part is badly written. I know I will be hated for saying this, but the character constantly changes, and his dialogue is never consistent. Brando does his best, and I don't think anyone could have done better, but it was still not a great part. The only outstanding performances were those of Caan and Pacino. Caan's acting is raw and Pacino is right on target.

Besides the main theme, music is weak and unfitting. As I have said, some of the scenes don't fit, and the music score doesn't help any. At one moment, the movie is a gritty masterpiece, and at another a cheesy, cliched piece of film, going back to the traditional style of film, ruining the film's effect. Had the movie cut all the silly dialogue, not to mention the sans-dialogue scenes that aren't even poetic, which a dialogueless scene should be, the effect might be better.

Also, to throw some more mud, the romance between Keaton and Pacino is awful, and no chemistry is arisen.

A disappointment, but not to be missed. I recommend a single viewing. One more thing, this film certainly doesn't deserve to be the best ever, it shouldn't even be in the top one hundred, but it doesn't deserve a "1" rating, I only give it that because I want the average rating to go down.
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