Amiable low-budget caper movie
4 October 2003
Training 6 doberman dogs to rob a bank? Actually, this outlandish premise is executed with far more believability than you'd think. The criminals behind the dogs are not portrayed as buffoons or as totally unredeemable; in fact, they are pretty likable guys for the most part. (And - shock of all shocks - it's the Vietnam veteran character who comes across as the most sympathetic!) As well, we are taken through the plan step by step, seeing how they slowly train the dogs and deal with any potential problems that come up during the way. It's a little dry at times (the low budget doesn't exactly make it flashy), but never does it get really boring. The only thing I question about the movie is how it got a "G" rating, given a couple of (mild, admitedly) love scenes and a couple of *seriously* bloody sequences! Those bloody sequences really shatter the agreeably fluffy and light tone, and make it questionable as a family movie. Despite that, the movie was pretty successful, subsequently generating two theatrical sequels and one made-for-TV movie.
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