** 1/2 out of ****
2 September 2002
The story of entrepreneur John McCabe (Warren Beatty), who sets up a whorehouse in a western town with the help of Constance Miller (Julie Christie) is interesting but ultimately too difficult to be worthwhile. A beautifully constructed movie, it creates tons of atmosphere, with the music, cinematography, and sets all perfectly setting the tone. The fault of the movie lies in an unfocused plot that really never gets the movie anywhere. I understand that the movie isn't about plot, but rather tone and atmosphere. However, it is necessary that a movie maintains some form of interest throughout its course, and for me, this movie failed to do so. It was beautifully to take in for the first fifteen or twenty minutes while I experienced the atmospheric look at the west, but when the plot began to go nowhere I found that the atmosphere was really all the movie had going for it. So, while I admire its craftsmanship and appreciate Altman's directorial talents, it provided little entertainment and offered little satisfaction when all was said and done.
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