You think Manos: The Hand of Fate was bad? You ain't seen nothin' yet!
22 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this movie at a video store near me that is closing down for $5. I got it because a) it is out of print, b) the zombie photos on the back of the box looked halfway scary, and c) the cover art was fantastic!

I got a real letdown. Actually, it wasn't much of a letdown; I expected the movie to stink, but I got more than I bargained for. There are spoilers ahead, so if you actually want to be surprised(frustrated is more like it) stop reading now.

Okay, so the whole movie is this girl being chased by zombies- actually just regular-looking people, some with really bad teeth. And the zombies' scariest mode of attack was waving their hands in front of your face like a little kid impersonating Dracula or something. "Does this bug you? I'm not touching you" was all i could think.

The movie faded from dream to reality, never knowing what was a dream and what wasn't. And finally, at the very end, the whole movie was a dream. I wish the movie had been a dream. Did the director/writers think this was going to make sense... or be scary?

And what about the title? My version was called "A Virgin Among the Living Dead." Well, the girl was never mentioned to be a virgin, and in fact virginity(is that a word?) had nothing to do with the movie. Another title for the film was "Christine: Queen of the Erotic." Was there anything `erotic' about the movie at all? No nudity... no sex... no *mention* of sex. Just dreams about stupid looking zombies. And if some zombies started waving their hands in your face, couldn't you kick the crap out of them rather easily? One other title: "Zombie 4." What is this movie a sequel to? Lucio Fulci's "Zombie" was filmed years later. Am I missing something? Please e-mail me if you know what this is a sequel to!

One last thing: The photographs of zombies on the back of the box were apparently scenes from ANOTHER MOVIE because they didn't appear in this film at all!!! The zombies in this movie were just humans with no(or little) makeup AT ALL. Apparently, the movie stunk so bad they had to use scenes from another movie on the back of the box. Ditto with the truly awesome cover art; I think they paid more for the artwork than the movie(a lot of cheesy movies have great cover art). I think the scenes from the back might be from "Zombie Lake," because the IMDB says in the `Trivia' area for this movie that it used scenes from `Zombie Lake,' although I didn't see any scenes which looked lifted from the other movie. Although I haven't seen the other movie, I assume this because reviews for ZL mentioned green face paint and these zombies had none. Then again, the zombies on the back of the box looked better than the reviewers are saying the zombies from `Zombie Lake' looked, so who knows.

I think I've used up more than my share of space for this review, but the last thing I want to say was Manos was cool compared to this film. I give this movie * out of *****(with * being the least possible stars). Manos gets a *1/2.

Final quote(from the movie!) if you decide to see it: "Don't say I didn't warn you."
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