Not your normal Troma film
19 June 2003
So Tromaville's Lloyd Kaufman proves that he's a goofy guy. This 1971 directorial debut of Lloyd Kaufman isn't as great as say... Toxic Avenger, Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D., or Surf Nazi's Must Die, etc. But it is pretty interesting. If you go into it expecting very little Troma then you should be all set. The story is about a guy who, played by Lloyd is apparently a screw up and isn't concerned with what `important'. He's goofy and dorky and people make fun of him. But he's in love with a girl who works at a coffee shop and impressing her is important to him. Lloyd did something in this film that I don't think I've seen before. The base of the story was about Abercrombie running around and being silly. But when he runs into a new character like the Preacher or the guy who runs the adult bookstore, the movie changes. It suddenly becomes a black and white suedo-documentary. The characters, are asked questions by Lloyd then they answer them as their respectively as the person they're supposed to be. It gives the story some good depth. It's really a neat idea and it's too bad that the rest film doesn't carry it better. The ideas are there and it is surprising that movies like the ones listed above spawned from this.

If you're a die-hard Troma fan, you probably won't like this. It's too artsy and very slow. Plus, there are no heads being squashed or nudity.
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