22 August 1999
The pseudo-scientific clap-trap of Erich von Däniken justly gets the cinematic treatment, unintentionally I'm afraid, it so-well deserves. This badly constructed documentary comprises both books by Von Däniken into 90 minutes of inadequately shot landscapes, plains, pyramids, excavations etc., held together by ploughshare editing, a rambling commentary and music that must give the impression that we really are seeing strange phenomena (cling, clang, cloink). The moments Von Däniken appears on the screen, I wondered whether he himself could not have been an alien. Of course no critical voices of the Von Däniken theories are heard, neither does he again admit that most of his theories were not his to start with.

It is interesting viewing, as is reading Von Däniken's books (they are still read!), for its contribution to the unbeatable tendency in society to pseudo-religion and pseudo-science, as the new-age movement for example, but - if physically possible - you better watch with one eye on the film and the other on Ronald Story's book "The Space Gods Revealed".
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