Decent "bad but good" biker flick
30 October 2002
As far as low budget biker films go, "C.C. and Company" definitely makes enjoyable viewing for a number of reasons. Of course, the main reason is Joe Namath, who fumbles (bad pun), stumbles and basically sleep walks (I guess he simply cannot act) through this abomination of the "so bad it's good" variety. Watching Joe in this film now is rather funny, because you wonder what he was thinking in even signing to do this movie, hoping to have some sort of film career.

Of course there is also Ann-Margaret, who is very good looking, but she isn't much in the acting department either. Actually it's safe to say that the two big names in this flick are the film's worst actors, and you can almost fall asleep in the scenes where it's just Joe and Ann. Everyone else, dare I say, seems to be having a lot more fun making this movie, especially the leader of The Heads, Joe's biker gang. He's the most fun to watch, especially when he's mad at 'ol Joe for not giving all his money into the biker "pot."

There's some good bike action, especially the final showdown between Joe and the Heads' leader on a track. Tons of cheesy scenes abound, but it's all a lot of fun. It's funny how in almost all these old biker films, many of the bikers are of the "goofy" type, and do things like carry each other in their arms. Even the big chair the leader gets to sit in looks funny. Many of the biker girls are pretty, especially when they go out on the road to "earn" some cash for the gang's money pot.

It was especially good to see this film in it's original "R" rated uncut form, after a bunch of times watching as a kid on TV in the 70's.

I found "C.C. and Company" on a DVD with two other 1971 biker flicks, "Evel Knievel" and "Angels Hard As They Come" (Gary Busey's first flick) for less than ten dollars, talk about a great bargain! The DVD was called "Classic Biker Movies" and is a definitely great deal. Even the quality was pretty decent.

I wonder how 'ol Joe feels about this flick now. No doubt he'd probably be up for a sequel!
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