Finally found it
27 January 2001
It's a children's musical movie. Similiar style is "Sound of Music", of course, latter one was more well known and well made. :P (Interesting fact, apparently sound of music is not widely known in Austria). Except that there is no dancing and this movie is actually in German.

Plot: Teenager Heintje's mother died, father wrongly accused of financial fraud and arrested. Heintje moved in with his maternal grandpa, who was a rich/stingy man with bad temper and didn't like the marriage of Heintje's parents, and thus didn't care for Heintje. 90 minutes of comedy/singing/car-chasing later, justice served, ppl fell in love, stone cried...

I watched this when I was growing up in China when I was kid (80's). Now one of my childhood friends, who is depressed and become sentimental and nostalgic (listening to light FM now, yuck!), want me to find it for him because he think it is therapeutic. This is quite a task because we only know its chinese names. I searched chinese web site to get director's name "Han Hai-En-Lee-Chie", and guessed Heinrich ...

The reason I mention this is, I guess this movie made a kid recall it 20 years later, maybe it's actually good, or maybe that kid was a retard. :) For kid under 14, okay, maybe under 10 only.
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