Perhaps the nadir of Tom Tryon's career
29 November 2002
This jumbled mess of a plot about a missing shipment of illegal drugs in the western Mediterranean has little to recommend it. Touches of sardonic humor and visual flair might have helped but these assets are conspicuously lacking, and the movie's attempts to be "hip" in a 1960s sort of way must have seemed dated even then. The result isn't "fun bad" but simply "bad."

The sexually-ambiguous Tom Tryon tries to be tough and two-fisted but winds up being merely unpleasant. Besides, this kind of character was never his strong suit. (He excelled at being dark, moody, and haunted a la "Heathcliff" in "Wuthering Heights.") He doesn't even get a chance to show off his bare chest. When one of the bad guys burns him with a cigarette, he burns him through his shirt! Even a Disney comedy such as "Moon Pilot" found an excuse to show Tryon stripped to his boxer shorts.

Some of the off-beat Spanish and Italian backgrounds add shreds of interest but these can't begin to make up for the movie's many failings.
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