Pretty tame alien movie.
9 April 2003
Several unknown objects come crashing down into some farmland. A team of scientists goes to check it out. The objects appear to be meteorites but the scientists are skeptical. It turns out that the objects contain some sort of alien lifeform which is able to inhabit the bodies of human beings.

Just what are the aliens up to? Well...I won't spoil it for you but their motives here on Earth are actually pretty dull.

Robert Hutton is absolutely laughable as a middle-aged scientist who likens himself as some sort of "Rambo" tough guy. He sneaks around, blows stuff up and avoids alien death squads which are out to kill him.

This all probably sounds somewhat interesting but the action sequences are short and poorly executed. A lifeless screenplay certainly doesn't help matters. I will say that the acting is passable and the direction occasionally stands out. Unfortunately, the tepid storyline and silly main character get in the way of any positive aspects of this film.
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