neat, neat
20 May 2004
Son of Godzilla is one of those weird movies which inspire strange feelings. The story is unique, no Godzilla doing his typical destruction. The story centers on the very human relationship between Godzilla and his son, Minya. This movie really touched me on this level. Some scenes really stick in my mind. The great scene with Godzilla teaching Minya how to shoot radioactive fire comes to mind. There is a real bond that comes out. When Minya is confronted with a monster, i.e. a bully, Godzilla makes Minya fight his own battle but is always there to back up his son.

Godzilla protects Minya and teaches him lessons; and in one of the climactic scenes, the son fights for his father's life; this is poignant. The scene at the end of the film in which father and son embrace to huddle from the cold is touching. If you divorce this from the typical Godzilla movie, what you are left with is a movie about a very close bond between father and son. I think I'm probably the only one who appreciates this movie on this deep a level.

One question: What Hollywood movie has a positive view of a father and son relationship?--- This movie made me very emotional, go figure. In short, if you want to see a typical camp Godzilla, look elsewhere. If you want to see something with emotional content; see this movie

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