Average Russ Meyer, mainly for existing fans. Features very little nudity but some priceless dialogue.
16 February 2003
'Good Morning... and Goodbye!' is one of Russ Meyer's more obscure movies. I wouldn't recommend it as an introduction to Meyer's strangely skewed world of sex and violence, but anybody already into his movies will not be disappointed. The best thing about the movie is the opening voice-over dialogue which I wish I could quote at length. It's priceless and pure Meyer, and is narrated over a montage of action shots which include most of the movie's nudity (which is very little). Written by Jack Moran, who also scripted Meyer's classic 'Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!' and his extremely underrated 'Common Law Cabin', it stars the wonderful Stuart Lancaster from the former, and the beautiful Alaina Capri, from the latter. Lancaster is one of Meyer's best loved actors, and Capri is arguably his most underrated actress. She only starred in two of his movies, but was not only hot, but played the bitch goddess roles as good as Eric Gavin ('Vixen!'). Why she is hardly mentioned when anyone discusses Meyer's leading ladies is a mystery to me. Lancaster and Capri play an unhappily married couple. Lancaster is rich but impotent, and Capri is sexually frustrated. Add to this Capri's blue collar boyfriend, and Lancaster's blossoming teenage daughter and you're set for some typically hysterical Meyer soap operaisms. To top it all off Haji memorably appears as a witch who gives Lancaster back his mojo. 'Good Morning... and Goodbye!' wouldn't make my list of favourite Russ Meyer movies, but it by no means his worst effort, and pretty entertaining. Fans should enjoy it, but beginners are advised to start with 'Faster Pussycat!' or 'Supervixens' for the real deal.
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