The final film of Julien Duvivier, one of the great masters of French cinema, "Diaboliquement votre" is an odd swan song. Heavily influenced by European art films of the sixties, the film is less a
13 May 2000
Alain Delon stars as Pierre, an amnesiac recovering from a car accident. He can't remember any details about the accident or about his past life as a wealthy businessman based in the orient. He is currently being nursed back to health on his palatial estate in the french countryside by his beautiful wife, Christiane (Senta Berger), the family doctor (Sergio Fantoni), and a manservant named Kim (Peter Mosbacher).Paranoia rapidly sets in as he begins to suspect Christiane is not really his wife and that he is the victim of a sinister plot. Despite the standard plot device of someone trying to drive the main character insane or to the point of suicide, "Diaboliquement votre" is not a standard thriller by any means and often takes a detour from the main plot (Pierre's obsessive investigation of his true identity) to show us odd details about the main characters (the masochistic relationship between Christiane and Kim). The result will probably disappoint most mystery fans, especially the anticlimatic ending, but for others, there are things to enjoy here; Alain Delon's playful performance as a victim, a sexy Senta Berger at the height of her beauty, modeling a variety of sixties fashions, Henri Decae's lush cinematography, and some disorientating drug induced dream sequences.
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