The green woman sucks Dennis Hopper dry
23 September 2003

Wow, I remember this from late night TV back in the 70s, only it was with a grainy print that was continually interrupted by commercials. This is strictly a low budget AIP affair using lots of stock footage from Russian science fiction films from the early 1960s.

An alien ship that has crash landed on Mars sends out an SOS to earth for help. Two rocket ships take off from the Earth's moon and head there only to find one dead alien body and a female alien with green skin and silver pointed hair that makes her look like something out of the old Star Trek TV show. She doesn't speak. Not one word. However she does feast on human blood.

The first one she kills is a young clean-cut Dennis Hopper. She sucks him bone dry of all his blood. The rocket ship team then feed her blood plasma in order to keep her satisfied from killing any of the others, even though the head pilot (John Saxon) objects and wants her destroyed. When they run out of plasma before they get back to Earth, she kills the commander by hypnotizing him and then draining his blood.

After Judith Meredith again talks Saxon out of killing her, he ties her up but she burns through the rope with those hypnotic eyes of hers and almost kills Saxon in his sleep. Meredith walks in on this and in the ensuing fight, scratches the alien woman thereby killing her. She drips green blood all over the floor. It seems this alien race are a bunch of hemophiliacs and can die from the slightest of injuries.

But that's not all. She also laid green eggs all throughout the ship that look like pink balloons covered in green jell-o. (laughs)

After they land back on Earth, Saxon wants them destroyed because they're dangerous, but head scientist Basil Rathbone refuses and wants them kept for study. It's amusing watching Forrest Ackerman carrying them on a silver tray when they take them off the ship. It looks like he's carrying dinner. (laughs)

The rocket ship interior is low budget enough and so long as you don't take it too seriously. It's a good way to pass the time if you want to check out the more obscure, cheesy sci-fi from the 60s.

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