Everything you need to know...
20 January 2002
...about how not to make a movie. Seriously. Don't write it, direct it, edit it, block it, or cast it like this. Don't use similar sets, costumes, or props. Don't use this type of camera, sound recording, or film stock. In fact, this movie is so educational, I consider it a classic. Should be shown the first week of film school to make students feel better about their initial efforts. I know that I hope and pray no one will ever see my first film, and it was still better than this.

Even the MST3K guys had a hard time coming up with wisecracks. At least Plan 9 looked as though one or two adults held a camera. This one looks like some fifth graders went out and shot random footage, then cobbled it all together in an order that was meant to be coherent, but wasn't. Thank God I was born after this dreck was filmed, so my generation can't be held morally responsible.
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