Review of Hawaii

Hawaii (1966)
disappointing (SPOILERS)
7 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, maybe I just need to see this movie again, but I hated it. SPOILERS AHEAD: I know it's part of the story, but why did Julie have to die? And why couldn't she have gone with the sea captain? I was so preoccupied with that aspect of the story that the rest was lost on me. I wanted to wring Abner Hale's neck all throughout the film, his and Jerusha's parents. (I hope people don't use this movie as the basis of all missionaries, because there are some missionaries in the world today who do wonderful things for the people they minister to.) I really just wish it could have been shorter-three hours of being driven crazy by the main character of a movie is just too much. I like movies that draw an emotional response, but really. I'm sure the book was better (haven't read it yet, but it has been highly recommended) and maybe the movie will be better if I watch it again...if I can bring myself to do it, that is.
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