Gamera's Back, and Funnier Than Ever!
23 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
**May Contain Spoilers**

Round One was hilarious but this one is an out-and-out knee-slapper. After being launched into space at the end of his initial screen triumph Gamera, everybody's favorite flying turtle monster, comes down to Earth and hibernates in a handy volcano. He snoozes merrily away until lured back into action by a flabby-looking saurian named Baragon. (No explanation is given for these monikers, by the way–the monsters just turn up and the filmmakers arbitrarily call them by names that sound as goofy as the monsters look.) The Baragon suit in this picture isn't as funny as the one in FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD but it still makes this entry worth watching. Baragon has a long tongue that turns his foes into ice and he neutralizes missiles by shooting rainbows out of his back. Baragon bleeds blue when wounded, and one of the silly color-blind heroes calls the gore "purple." In later adventures–and the flying flatulent turtle had a few of them–Gamera became a friend to humans rather than a destroyer. That makes about as much sense as latter-day Tom and Jerry cartoons where the protagonists got along rather than pounding the s**t out of each other. Give me a good old fashioned monster slug-fest any day of the week.
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