Beware of battering ram tongue
22 September 2000

More like ugh, Gamera. Actually, this is a very very crappy movie, but I'm partial since it is the first (unfortunately not the last) Gamera film I've seen. At first, I watched on and looked around for a giant turtle. No turtle. Then, there was some nonsensical and poorly dubbed dialogue which I tried to put together logically, some guys going to look for treasure, tribal people in uproar, giant jewel, scorpions, a boat, someone left the hot lamp on.

Now, that's just the first part and I have seen no sign of Gamera. Something happens. Barugon, the giant mutant lizard with the battering ram tongue who can also make Slush Puppies, appears and ravages across Japan. People running around in terror. Finally, I hear the words which will haunt me for a long time: "It's Gamera!" Yes, it's the giant mutant turtle who breathes fire (duh), and has no need to worry about getting stuck on his back due to his rockets in his shell which allows him to fly (buh?). Now, I'm really confused. A brawl ensues which tries to draw your attention from the stunning Japanese model set of a city and two guys in rubber suits. There isn't much of a plot, but then again it is a Sandy Frank film and is to be expected. Yes, this was the one which introduced me to Gamera. Sad really. Thanks to Joel, Crow, and Servo for the chuckles.
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