The Magical World of Disney: Ballerina: Part 1 (1966)
Season 12, Episode 19
Delightful and charming family movie!
21 July 2002
I first saw "Ballerina" as a young girl who, like most eight-year olds, wanted to be a ballerina or a nurse or a fairy princess. It was showing several times and after seeing it once I was so hooked I begged my mother to record it the next time it came on (twenty years later I still have that video tape). As a child I was entranced by the ballet scenes and the music throughout the production. As an adult, I'm enchanted by the storyline and the deeper themes of hard work and accomplishment. Mette is a young girl whose heart belongs to ballet, but whose loyalties are torn between her commitment to the Royal Danish Ballet, and her parents. Her mother wants Mette to leave the ballet company and live her life the way a young girl should, fun and fancy free. Mette seeks advice and wisdom from her mentor, Kirsten Holmes, an internationally famous ballerina who sees that Mette has the potential to follow in her footsteps. At the same time, Mette is being pestered by a younger student, Ingrid, who believes that Mette is the greatest dancer in the company and wants Mette to tutor her. On top of it all, Mette's love interest, Sven, is also vying for some of her attention. Mette is perfectly happy being part of the woodwork and doesn't want to stand out, but is offered the lead role in a very big production and is honored to accept, but afraid of the amount of hard work it will require. With the gentle encouragement of Kirsten, and the infectious hopefulness of Ingrid, Mette is able to realize her dreams and finds that her success was well worth the effort. The basic plot is simple: you can achieve anything you set your mind to. The dance scenes, performed by the Royal Danish Ballet, are superb and the plot is entrancing. This movie has a special place in my heart because I'm Danish and I love to see any footage of Danmark, but I also enjoy the theme of the film. I was enchanted with this movie as a child and am still under its spell. Viewers of every age are sure to share these same feelings about this delightful and charming family movie!
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