OK Italian Roman-era mini-spectacle with Richard Harrison, first film of director Alfonso Brescia/Al Bradley
16 December 2003
This was the first film directed by the infamous Alfonso Brescia, aka Al Bradley. He directed some awful films, yet he also scored a bullseye now and then, such as with CONQUEROR OF ATLANTIS or with TURN...I'LL KILL YOU. This film is a solid Italian costume adventure, starring the great Richard Harrison as Valerius, a member of the Pretorian guard who has had enough of the excesses of dictatorial emperor Domitian, so he adopts the guise of the "Red Wolf" and secretly fights against the ruler and brings others together in a struggle for freedom. Harrison is joined in his effort by Giuliano Gemma, a actor popular with both peplum and eurowestern fans. This film has a different look from many peplums and costume spectacles, and contains some interesting camera angles and creatively framed shots. Brescia/Bradley clearly could be inventive when he wanted to be. REVOLT OF THE PRETORIANS seems to be little-known among American peplum fans and Richard Harrison fans--it deserves to be better-known and should satisfy fans of the genre.
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