Rock Hudson is always worth watching for his comedy touch.
4 March 2001
Rock Hudson was a wonderfully versatile actor who played a wide range of roles from light comedy to drama. He is one of may favourite actors and I think he is somewhat underrated. I sat down with eager anticipation when this film was shown recently on BBC television. I also sat down to watch it with conflicting recommendations. My ‘Radio Times Guide to Films' gave it 4 out of a possible 5 stars but ‘Halliwell's Film Guide' gave it one out of a possible 5 stars. So what would I make of it?

I did enjoy this film but it was not as good as it should have been. There were a wealth of humorous situations but they did not fit into the plot skilfully enough. The scene in the piano museum, the erecting of the tent, the bear on the motorbike, the inflatable waders, and the torn zip scene were all very funny in themselves BUT all seems like ‘add-ons' to the story rather than part of the smooth flow of the action.

In this film Rock Hudson demonstrated what a consummate light comedy actor he was, always thoroughly convincing but for me there was not quite the sexual chemistry with Paula Prentiss that he had with Doris Day.

I strongly urge film fans to go back to the original Howard Hawks films to see some of the scenes as they were first filmed. As good as Rock Hudson was in the scene when he was fishing whilst reading a book with his rod over his shoulder, in ‘Libeled Lady' William Powell did the exact same scene and was a hundred times funnier. Similarly, the torn dress scene was first used in ‘Bringing up Baby' with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn which was again, much more amusing.

If ‘Man's Favourite Sport' had been edited to about 100 minutes instead of 120 and had had a good musical score, instead of those irritating jingles, it would have been a winner. My film guides were, I believe both wrong. I would give it 3 out of 5 stars.
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