Great Southern Fried Chicken
21 April 2004
George Roy Hill, Lillian Hellman, Geraldine Page, Wendy Hiller, Dean Martin, Yvette Mimieux, Bill Thomas (costumes) and lastly but always outstanding Gene Tierney. What a great grouping of actors, writers, director and costumes as well all else fits together in this film. Over 40 years have passed as has most of the cast, but this film still holds together very well. Geraldine Page is always good and captures the somewhat crazed Carrie charactor beautifully. Dean Martin has always been over looked as an actor and really proves his worth in this role. George Roy Hill keeps things moving and all and everyone else keep plenty of grease and batter on this fine batch of southern fried chicken. Treat yourself to a really fine movie, it is worth it all just for a look at the talented Madame Tierney.
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