Review of Reptilicus

Reptilicus (1961)
An Accidental Masterpiece!
14 November 2003
First, let me say that there was no way that anyone associated with this project could've understood what they would create in the end. Forty-two years later, and people are still asking: "What in the heck were these folks doing?" Now, very few works of "art" have that kind of staying power. Of course, it's a low-low-low budget, early 60's monster/sci-fi flick. But at a deeper, more existential level...just kidding! The thing about "Reptilicus" is that it's so consistently awful from start to finish, and that's what makes it a true gem, in my opinion. I can't believe there aren't any entries in the "Memorable Quotes" section for this movie. Who can forget Carl Ottosen (as Gen. Mark Grayson) asking himself: "When am I going to be released from this hell?" An ambiguous line if ever there was one!! And how many branches of the Danish armed forces are there anyway? In this movie, I counted about 12, judging from the assorted uniforms. Then there are those 2 Danish blondes who shadow the Professor (between his 5 heart attacks) everywhere. And these are the same ladies who mix everything but their earrings into the last ditch concoction (almost a gallon!) which finally brings down the rubbery reptile, sort of. Copenhagen in October never looked so...cardboard and gray and filled with 300 Copenhagers running up one street and down another, not quite in terror, but briskly, and smiling a little. The director must've grabbed these folks out of their church services and shoooed them down the avenues to cut yet another corner of expense. I can't forget the fantastic scene at the drawbridge where the operator raises the bridge to keep Reptilicus from using it (as if he cared), only to send scores of Danes hurtling to their certain deaths as the bridge parts in the middle! The operator then appears to have something akin to mental breakdown over his fatal decision!! But the over-acting award goes hands-down to Carl Ottosen. This guy bites off and chews his lines like they were bars of lead. Only constipation could explain such an agonized delivery, over and over again! If you like plenty of stock Danish newsreel footage, you'll get your fill. Lots of "disasters" where Reptilicus has struck, and lots of vintage military celluloid showing Danish forces setting up positions anywhere and everywhere at the drop of a hat. The whole grand journey ends with incongruent festive Danish music, and Reptilicus' severed claw scratching around the ocean floor, threatening the sequel that never happened. It's pure junk, but like that claw, it just won't die!!!
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