Review of Reptilicus

Reptilicus (1961)
Proof that the total is greater than the sum of the parts
28 June 1999
I recently had the opportunity to see Reptilicus again, and never has there been such a misunderstood film as this.

Misunderstood, not by the audiences, but by the producers. This is a film that not only chooses to sit between two chairs, stylewise, it is simply impossible to find a chair that even gets close to describing the style that it is filmed in, I seriously doubt that even Ed Wood could have produced such a mish-mash of a stylistic jumble even if he tried.

However it is exactly this mish-mash that makes the film enjoyable today. Nothing about it is good, not the acting, not the special effects, not the plot, not the musical intermezzos, in fact if it was to be judged by the genre that it portrays, it would rate a 1 - or maybe 2 for the effort - instead I've rated it as an 8 for enjoyment, I've seen it before and I'll see it again if it comes up on TV, because this mix of low budget and low comedy makes for an extremely funny movie.

The movie was produced in an effort to sell it abroad and therefore also made in an English version, this I believe would be a total bomb, because what makes it funny for a Dane is the fact that the actors are among the best in Danish comedy, but their humor is typical Danish and very hard to translate.

If you get the chance, see it it is well worth it
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