15 February 2001
Divorce Italian Style is a pretty good film. It begins kind of slowly, but really picks up towards the end. It is worth seeing for several reasons, foremost among them, to see Marcello Mastrioanni in anything is worthwhile. It is also interesting culturally, although, be warned, this is not meant to be any kind of cultural document from Italy. In fact, I believe the film is taking place in Sicily because of its more conservative nature. I don't think that these customs were common even there, but the Italian public could accept it better if it were happening in Sicily. There is one part of interest to any film enthusiast: the characters in the film go to see La Dolce Vita! Of course, Mastrioanni was the star of that film (they don't show any scene with him in it). We see priests condemning La Dolce Vita and blaming the cuckolding of the main character on it. We also see a woman looking sideways at her boyfriend when his eyes are oggling Anita Eckberg. His response: "No, no, no, I don't like her. She's beautiful, but she has no soul."
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