Mad Dog Coll (1961)
Mad Dog Coll? Where?
11 July 2003
This movie is very low budget and very inaccurate. Whoever wrote this had no idea who Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll was. The movie begins by showing some young hood in a cemetery visiting a grave marked Anthony Coll. He says, "Hello, Pop." Then he shoots the tombstone with his machine gun. Then when he laughs you see these teeth that desperately need braces. The guy looks like a horse. However the movie does accurately show how Vincent's father was cruel to him. Instead of going out and playing with the other kids he stayed in the house with his mother. His father calls him a mama's boy. Can you blame the kid for loving his mother so much when he's got a lousy bum for a father? The kids pick on Vin too. He comes home one day all beat up. After that he started carrying around a wrench in his pocket. As the girl narrating says, "They never picked on Vinny again."

The actor who plays Mad Dog Coll looks nothing like him. The guy looks ridiculous. He's the last actor I'd ever pick to play a gangster, let alone, Mad Dog Coll. The movie tells how Coll wants to take on Dutch Schultz. The movie also tells about how he gets the nickname Mad Dog. But again, it's inaccurate. It shows him trying to get away from guys that are chasing him and he accidentally shoots kids before he leaves. Wrong. First of all there is no proof that it definitely was Coll and second of all those kids were accidentally shot in a drive by shooting. The movie also shows Mad Dog Coll about to rape a girl. Never happened. The movie shows Coll kill one of the Dutchman's men in a kidnapping because he looks like his father. Never happened. Coll towards the end just turns into a psycho. The movie never shows Coll's brother Peter who in reality got rubbed out by Schultz. Jerry Orbach plays Coll's only friend left. Orbach knows that Coll has to be put down so he tips off the cops. The cops shoot Coll in a phone booth. He walks out and falls on the sidewalk dead. This is probably the dumbest part of the movie. Yes, there is talk that Mad Dog Coll's bodyguard betrayed him. But no, the cops didn't kill Coll. Rival gangsters killed him in a drugstore phone booth. His body also never left the booth. When he's killed he's wearing a wig and glasses. In real life Coll didn't wear a wig. He dyed his blonde hair black to disguise himself from the cops. The writers of this movie just had no idea what they were talking about. I guess the movie is all right if you're not planning on seeing a movie about Mad Dog Coll.
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