Review of Konga

Konga (1961)
Curious George Gets A Make-Over
16 July 2003
***Plot Points Ahead, or my interpretation of those plot points***

What can you say about a cute funny little chimpanzee who grows up to be a not so funny giant Gorilla? That he was once young and beautiful? That he loved bananas? That he once played carefree in the jungle, only to journey to England to become the star of his own feature film? That they surrounded him with some of the worst over- acting ever to grace a horror film? That his toy doll people were not much fun to play with? That he had to die to be returned to his former lovable monkey self? Oh the horror of it all!

For most of this film, when the wicked Dr. Decker, played with a giant side order of ham by Michael Gough, injects that poor Chimpanzee with his nasty super grow essence of hulk formula, it is just plain stupid, boring, ridiculous, and dumb. Apparently the good Doctor also sees the new formula as sort of a viagra type grow drug, because he suddenly gets the hots for a young college student. He's got it bad, really bad, so much so that he sends Konga out to kill a young male college student who has the hots for the same gal. And that guy didn't even have any of the drug. When the doctor's female assistant who apparently has the hots for the good doctor also, (guess she sees him making good use of the drug also) finds out about all this nonsense, she overdoses poor Konga with this super steroid, thinking Konga will rip the good doctor and/or the college girl to shreds. Instead she only manages in getting herself killed, and letting a gigantic Konga loose on London and an unsuspecting movie going public. Konga has a little jealousy streak of his own, does away with the college girl, then carries the good Dr. through London. At First, all the people run hurriedly away, but eventually they reach the end of the studio back lot and can't go any further, so they stop to gawk and stare. At this point, Konga realizes he doesn't have the good doctor in his hand after all, but a wooden doll, so angrily he throws the doll to the ground, which must have been under some kind of magic spell because it suddenly turns back into the now very dead doctor. Unfortunately for Konga, the movie has reached it's budget limit, so unable to tear down any buildings or step on any gawking spectators, the police show up and fire one million shots at him, none of them actually hitting him. This is all too much for the poor Konga, who drops dead of a heart attack and shrinks back to the innocent chimpanzee he was at the beginning. I'm not sure how they shrunk the man in the ape suit but I think he died and shrunk into a dead chimpanzee suit because the fellow is nowhere to be found. Shakespeare should have written such a tragedy.

Till Next Time With tongue held firmly in cheek Next Class Please
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