Review of Konga

Konga (1961)
A Konga Line
13 April 2003
I very much enjoyed Konga when I first saw it in a theatre at about the age of nine, and surprisingly enjoyed it almost as much on television. The plot is the standard issue mad scientist who comes up with a growth serum that makes a creature large which then goes on a rampage formula, set in England this time. The creature here is an ape who just happens to be called Konga (hint..hint), which gives one a sense of the degree of subtlety in the film.

If one can call scenery chewing magisterial I think it's fair to say that Michael Gough, as the mad scientist in this one, does it with an authority worthy of at the very least a knighthood, if not a lordship. The special effects are, alas, dreadful even for a modestly budgeted film such as this, but no matter. Gough is the whole show, and his performance is of such profligacy as to bring a round of applause from Messrs. Zucco and Atwill, were they still with us.
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