Tiger Bay (1959)
A tricky tale, told with taste and flair
5 May 2001
When a sailor discovers his girlfriend has dumped him while he's been away, they argue, she pulls a gun, he gets it away from her, and then shoots her several times. A streetwise British girl from Cardiff, who does nothing but lie and cause trouble, is the only witness. She eventually befriends the Polish sailor and helps him hide. What could've been a cloying story--even perverse--is handled with impeccable taste and turned into a very moving, human tale. Cinematographer Eric Cross and his camera obviously adore Hayley Mills' 12-year-old face (her round, inquisitive eyes in particular); the scene-stealer is shown off to an incredible advantage in her acting debut. Real-life papa John Mills (as the investigator of the murder) and Horst Buchholz are also fine. An intriguing, absorbing film, though with a somewhat padded conclusion. *** from ****
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