fears now realized
19 June 2004
I thought this had been a bad nightmare, I had watched this as a child on a B&W TV and been terrified and traumatised by the Dwarf in what I could vaguely remember as a dark cave. I was speaking to someone this evening who said they had seen a clip on TV about a 60/70's programme called the singing ringing tree, as soon as she said it I knew that was it. So we looked on this site and low and behold there it is, I am glad it hadn't been a bad dream as I had begun to think over the past 24 odd years. The only problem is I'd forgotten about the man dressed as a bear and the mechanical fish, wish I had, as I must admit it has given me the heeby geebies, so I probably will have a nightmare tonight now.

Glad I wasn't imagining it anyway and would now quite like to see it, in colour of course!
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