"Terribly dated."
31 March 2004
This b-pic pop musical from Butcher's (Britain's poverty row production company) makes you want to cringe as its dated terribly. It stars Terry Dene (a pop singer of the time) as an aspiring singer whose friends expand their coffee bar to include a record shop and promote his debut disc. The music isn't all that great and the script is very typical of other feeble poverty row b-pics from this company. Its directed by Don Sharp, a very proficient director who would go on to do better films like "The Face Of Fu Manchu" (1965) and "Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966). In recent years this film has been plucked out by ITV (probably from an area of the archives that hasn't been touched for years!) and shown in the early hours as a time filler.
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