Do Not Be Duped By The Title!!!
25 November 2000
I want to make this perfectly clear. I've heard lots of people talking about this Monster From Green Hell film. It's all the rage with the kids today, I know. Well let me tell you what you're getting into with this film. There is no single monster in the film, there are several giant moths, that might be construed as monsters, but that would make the title MonsterS from Green Hell. Also, this Green Hell is talked about, I think, hard to hear through the terrible sound quality, but we never see it, and I'm pretty sure these moths didn't come from Green Hell. Plus the film's in black and white, thus there's no chance of seeing anything green. The proper title'd be Monsters from Dark Gray Hell. But I guess that doesn't have the same ring.

This is a very bad, boring, long, repetitious movie. By general movie standards it's quite poor. Next to movies like Orgy of the Dead, it's damn near watchable. A bunch of scientists end up making giant wasps (Hate it when that happens) so they have to trek through darkest Africa to stop them or something. They honestly don't seem intent on stoping them, nor are they truly prepared to handle them when they find them (A good deal of the crew are slaughtered).

The effects are bad, but you won't notice since the big bugs only appear in a cameo role at best...they're there in the beginning once or twice, then disappear until the "action-packed" finale. The rest of the time we're forced to sit through a rather tedious walk through of Africa, complete with stupid narration, idiotic characters, and some rather racist stuff as well (The white characters get a whole bunch of Africans to do all their dirty work for them, it's really all quite racist). And the white characters, well they can't get much whiter. One of them dresses in white as well, like Tom Wolfe on his most white day.

Racial politics of the fifties aside, this movie isn't much fun, nor is it scary or even campy. In a word: bland.
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