Bogart's role has great potential for suspense...
30 July 1999
Warning: Spoilers
"The Left Hand of God" is one of these barren efforts and Bogart is the victim of an inconsequential script that find him portraying an American pilot forced down in China during World War II who joins up with a Chinese warlord (Lee J. Cobb). When Bogart decides to escape, he assumes the garb of a murdered priest and finds seclusion in a remote mission...

The role has great potential for suspense as to face one crisis after another as a result of his masquerade, but for some reason his performance is overly restrained and unrewarding...

Gene Tierney worked for an enviable number of great director: Fritz Lang, John Ford, Josef Von Sternberg, Ernst Lubitsch, Otto Preminger, Joseph L. Mankiewicz and Clarence Brown... Although her roles were not very often pivotal to their subject, and only a few of her films are among these directors' best remembered works, it all adds up to the intriguing enigma that was this woman's great attraction...

This exotic classic beauty is here a nurse called Anne Scott and she is expecting with Dr. David Sigman (E.G. Marshall) and his wife Beryl (Agnes Moorehead) the arrival of Father O'Shea...

The Story is set in 1947, in a remote province of China disturbed by the civil war...
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