Disappointing sequel
22 March 2004
Vastly inferior follow up to the delightful "Cheaper by the Dozen". It hurts me to put down any film starring the great Myrna Loy, but before you dive into this expecting the same qualities contained in the original you ought to be warned.

Part of the charm of the original was the attention paid to period details and the wonderful production values - missing this time around. The family originally lived in the house made famous in "Meet me in St. Louis", now the set looks like Mayberry. Interiors, originally rich with detail have taken on the 50's monochromatic look of an old "I Love Lucy" episode. Direction? The pacing, cinematography and line deliveries are found lacking.

Is it worth watching? Sure...it's not a bad way to pass an hour and a half - Just don't expect to see what you saw the first time around and you won't be disappointed.
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