Might have been OK in 1951, but...
6 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The movie tries hard, but has too many laughable situations to really be called "good". It does have mostly good performances and some decent dialog amid the silliness, however.

<<SPOILERS to the end>>

A round-shaped (of course!) flying saucer is discovered below the surface of the ice near the north pole. How it is determined to be "smooth, with no doors or windows" through the ice is a mystery to me - I can't see through an ice cube.

Some air force guys blow up the ice with a "thermite" bomb, and unfortunately the frozen engine (!) of the saucer blows up (!) There is no fall out from the mushroom cloud onto the guys who are scarcely 100 feet away. Groan!

Now, the guys look through the ice again (!) and see a large man-shape thing, about 8 feet tall. Even through the ice they can tell it is bald and has weird nails. Groan!

They decide to chop a big block of ice out with the thing inside. Three people start whacking the ice with picks, and not a scratch do they make (this is not part of the plot - it just is a noticeable detail). They have to hurry because they only have an hour before the big storm blows in...Groan!

So, OK, they get the thing back to base. The one guy designated to "guard" it unwittingly puts an electric blanket over the block. Drip drip drip melts the water (but the blanket never changes shape)...and the guard, who is now facing away and reading a book doesn't notice, but the huskies outside do (!) The guard finally notices the approaching shadow (complete with dramatic music) and shoots the unseen thing, then hysterically runs away, only to be "sobered up" with the cliched glass of water to the face. Groan!

The thing is later compared to "some form of super carrot". Really.

That's just the first 45 minutes. The other 42 I leave to you.
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