Germany's first and last neo-realistic movie
4 August 2002
When I picked it up from my TV program, I was betting only on Viktor De Kowa, one of the few German actors who managed to stay away from Hitler's iron fist and entertained us at the end of WWII with musicals like WIR MACHEN MUSIK. To my great surprise, I watched a pretty good picture, beginning first in the Rossellini style of neo-realism, but soon moving in different directions,always steering clear from cheap or bombastic allusions. De Kowa, Knef and Birgel were perfect in their parts. I fully support Shezan1's comments, drawn probably also from TV watching. The Germans great cinema is no more, but thanks to TV we are discovering every day that they still excel in making attracting series, such as INSPECTOR DERRICK. The French are more clever, they draw money from the crowds who go to see American movies, and beef up their own movie industry. harry carasso, Paris
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