My favorite movie of all time
29 November 2003
In the early 1970's channel 44 in Tampa would play this movie on Christmas day every year. It became a tradition with me to watch it. I soon fell in love with the movie. When I moved to Ft. Myers I went through withdrawal, not being able to get 44. One year WTBS played it and, since I had by then purchased a VCR, I taped it. Unfortunately my VCR was not working properly and my copy is very poor and getting poorer each year. Each year I scan the TV listings, hoping against hope, that some station will run it. Each year I am disappointed. I am planning to burn a DVD from my tape, but what I wouldn't give for a good copy. Now that I have cried on everyone's shoulder, let me talk about why this is my favorite all time movie. The movie was made in 1947 and captures a slice of American history that is unknown to most of us alive today. It shows a view of the hardships faced by ex-GI's in obtaining housing and employment after WW II, this surprises most of us. The movie has everything, comedy, drama, romance, philosophy, sub-plots,a feel good ending, you name it. The message of the movie is that people are more important than possessions, it puts Christ's words of "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul" more effectively than any sermon I have ever heard. This and the humorous, yet poignant interplay between the characters makes it an even better Christmas movie than It's a Wonderful Life. I have indoctrinated my wife and kids to the merits of this movie, and they enjoy seeing it almost as much as I do. I understand that the movie is in public domain, if anyone has a good copy I would be thrilled to purchase a copy of it from you.
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