Too much comic strip to be believable
8 August 2001
Boris Karloff as the character Gruesome has the perfect face "sourpuss" for the role. He even played a dead man who comes "back to life" in the police morgue. Karloff inhaled some experimental gas that caused his body to be declared dead. A certain physicist named A. Tomic has completed the experimental gas and developed a gas that renders any breathing creature of the gas "frozen" for about 12 minutes before coming out of this state without any knowledge of it. Gruesome is able to rob a bank because of this process. This plot was something that I saw on a "Twilight Zone" involving a stopwatch that stops time thereby allowing the wearer to rob a bank.

This film had too many elements of a comic strip such as the plot and the names like "X-ray, A. Tomic, Gruesome and Dr. I. M. Learned" to be taken seriously. This film was more in a vain of comedy at times than a drama.
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