Got Me Interested in Wolves as a Kid
6 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Prior to seeing this as a kid, I had never seen a wolf , but I was read bed-time stories about them, & seen them anthropomorphized in cartoons.(possible spoilers) While this was a cartoon, the wolf was less anthropomorphized than in other cartoons I'd seen them in so at that impressionable age, I figured that it was a version, albeit cartoon-ised, of what wolves were like as animals.

The "hairy crocodile with long legs" image this & other cartoons of the time capitalized on left quite an impression. The ominous music accompanying the wolf, along with visual imagery, such as the wolf tracks in the snow & the way it contrasted in an otherwise cute cartoon was enough to persuade me of what put the "Bad "in "Big Bad."

Indeed one watching this mini-classic may find it hard to believe that wolves have any semblance of shyness or docility, though wolves in real life can sometimes be so cautious & docile that it becomes hard to believe they have any semblance of aggressiveness. The fact is that wolves have a wide parameter to their disposition that leaves room for both. Just like their domestic counterparts.

Again, this was a cute & funny cartoon, & the surprising result was that the things that made the wolf seem menacing were magnified by the contrast.Wouldn't have been too effective in a serious flick. In the scene where the wolf was chasing the duck, he broke through the ice of a frozen lake. In most cartoons, this would have resulted in the character bobbing up & down in a ice cube. Hee-hee! Funny!.. That sort of thing. Not this dude! He was uneffected & stayed focused on his prey. Not unlike reports of wolves in real life in pursuit of much larger prey. In one, a pair of wolves were pursuing an adult elk who knocked one of them down. That wolf rolled & righted himself renewing his attack without missing a beat. In 5 minutes, the elk was dead. It was riveting to read about & no doubt riveting for the witnesses.

The wolf, like the other characters, does do his share of buffoonery elsewhere in the feature-let's the bird make a fool of him. Just the same,Disney's effort to prove the wolf a worthy opponent for Peter were sufficient to put the wolf on my list of favorite aggressive animals. As an adult, I liked the political Incorrectness of the era the film was made in. When the bird made joking comments about Peter's pop-gun being "loaded"(after pulling out the cork to look down the bore!) I reminded myself of how stupid some of the anti-gun hysteria is nowadays. A few years ago, a girl got busted in a high school for doing a playful gun gesture with her finger. I'm tempted to say this flick brings back the good old days when guns were safe & wolves were dangerous...LOL. Hunters in it should go through the Eddy Eagle gun safety course though! Also liked the way Sterling Holloway the narrater spelled wolf in English while it was spelled in Russian.(Bonc)Well, I think I've remembered everything I was going to include. If I've forgotten anything, I guess I could cure my amnesia with another "wolf" on my head.LMBO
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