It's not that bad of a film, actually...
6 October 2001
Don't get me wrong; I'm not claiming this is THE GODFATHER. But neither does it sink to the levels of such pieces of tripe as GIANT SPIDER INVASION.

The actors all do fairly good jobs, especially George Meeker as the deliciously evil mob boss Charles Blake, and short-order cook Al Frazier as portrayed by George Lloyd. The script doesn't hold up to super-close scrutiny, but on an average viewing there's nothing blatantly wrong, either. The few original songs are pretty good, and you may actually find yourself humming a couple of them.

But the wonderful crew of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" do a magnificent job of ripping it to shreds nonetheless.

If you ever happen onto the 'uncut' version of this and you have some free time, you may as well settle down and watch, it's a good way to take up some time. And if you find the MST3K version, you should most certainly watch this, it's very funny.
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