A forgotten but enjoyable thriller
18 July 2003
Though it's virtually impossible to find a copy of this buried treasure, it's worth a fair bit of digging. (The film is available on tape only, in mediocre print condition, and carried by only a handful of rental stores in the country.) It's not a brilliant film, but it has some virtuoso camera work that one would never expect to find in a filmi of its type. (Watch for the camera shot in the first seconds of the film that swings quickly up from a crowded street, through a window, and into a tight

closeup of the face of a man about to be killed - very impressive.) This is the type of film one can imagine Martin Scorsese taking an interest in - a skillful, craftsmanlike film overlooked by all but a few film buffs. The performances as well, especially Laird Cregar's, are terrific.
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