Excellent Picture for the 1940's!
2 June 2004
This was a very well produced picture in B&W for the 1940's, it told about the Japanese trying to obtain vital information to be used against the United States in the Panama Canal and the horrible tortures they inflicted on American Citizens during those WWII War Years. Lee Tracy (Eddie Carter),"High Tide",'47, was a former Army soldier and was a wheel and dealer. However, his love of country forced him to work against Japanese spies like Richard Loo,(Lt. Cmdr.),"Battle Hymn",'57, who all during the War Years played hateful roles in many films as a "JAP" as they were called in the 1940's. It is foolish to be critical of this film, it was under budget and had a great story to tell the American People that we must be always ready to defend this great Country we live in. It was Germany and Japan and Italy in those years, today we have the same threat of TERROR!
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