Day of Wrath (1943)
Excellent early witch hunt
17 July 2003

It's surprising that it was filmed during the German occupation of Denmark.

I mean, why the Nazi censors allowed this one to be made is beyond me, since I don't think anything like this would get past the Hayes Office, let alone be made by anybody in Hollywood.

Too many controversial religious overtones, plus some minor nudity of the condemned old witch, would make the studio moguls pretty skittish.

An old woman has put a curse on a pastor who has condemned her as a witch. The old pastor later dies and his much younger wife (Lisbeth Movin) is blamed for it. What complicates things even further is she has an adulterous affair with the pastor's son, who is about the same age as her.

It's pretty stark, eerie stuff with little soundtrack music beyond the opening titles. I saw the remastered version of this on the Sundance channel which enhances the b/w ambience even further.

7 out of 10 for being a fascinating visual experience
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