Lots of fun
3 March 2000
I was expecting to hate this film. After all it's a kids film (I'm 37). I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it! It's one of those few films that works for both adults and children. It's in color (which was rare in the early 1940s), has a simple story and never becomes too sentimental or childish. It's particularly fun seeing Elizabeth Taylor and Roddy McDowall as children; Elsa Lancaster as roddy's mother(!!!); and Nigel Bruce NOT playing Doctor Watson for once and actually proving he could be gruff and aggressive in a performance. Best of all though, is Lassie. I don't know how they did it, but the dog (actually a male dog named Pal) gives in an astonishing performance. Just the expressions on her(his) face tells you what she(he) is thinking! Also has a great ending that is very moving (in a good way). Very well woth seeing. Only complaint--the color in this film is so washed out! Why doesn't someone restore it?
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