Dead Men Walk (1943)
Pointless and boring
28 April 2003
Whenever I watch an old black and white horror movie, I always try to watch it in context of the time period. Some old movies seem kind of stupid 50 or 60 years later, but were actually pretty good at the time.

This is not one of them. Dead Men Walk is as pointless and boring a movie as I have ever seen. Besides the expected sub-par cinematography (couldn't anyone turn on a lamp, for god's sake?) and horrendous acting, the story itself was idiotic and the fact that 40 minutes of the 62-minute movie was devoted solely to keeping Elwyn the vampire away from his niece just makes it more idiotic.

I understand George Zucco had a reputation as a horror/mystery movie guy but he was the most un-frightening vampire I have ever come across in a movie. Dead Men Walk makes Return of the Vampire (1941) with Bela Lugosi seem like high art.

After watching Dead Men Walk, I had to watch Horror of Dracula with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing to remind myself that there are still come great vampire movies to see.
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