Comment on Roosevelt's over voice at the end of the film.
6 August 2004
I am old enough to have seen "Edge of Darkness" first run during WWII, and believe me this was a powerful movie for a 13 year old during the war. I've always remembered the effect of President Roosevelt's over voice message at the end of the film. For those who haven't seen this film the message was an excerpt from a speech he made probably in late 1940 or 41, and it refers to the resistance of the people of Norway to the occupation by the Nazis. I wouldn't doubt that it is possible that this speech was the inspiration for the novel from which the film is based. Yes, the way this over voice was used was a wartime "message" or propaganda if you will, but having seen and re-seen every war film made during WWII, I think this was about the best use of wartime messages.
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