Review of Episode

Episode (1935)
Wessely ....
6 March 2001
In the wake of "Maskerade", Wessely is typecast as the decent girl challenged by events. Although in her twenties, she already looks a bit matronly, but her energy and verve backed by acting nothing short of the superb and a unique screen presence make this a memorable though not a great movie. It's the kind of movie in which everyone, the rich art collector, his two Chopin playing brats, their supposedly dashing tutor --- an ex imperial officer, no less, played by the fortyish Diehl --- even the flaky dumb blonde, all manage to keep their charming naughtiness from degenerating into genuine meanness. Thank Goodness, Hollywood passed on the remake, for without a doubt they would have type-miscast Katharine Hepburn in the Wessely role.
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