Too many plot ideas for one movie
19 November 1999
Fritz Lang wrote/directed a series of movies in the 20's & 30's based on the arch criminal Dr Mabuse.Mabuse was a genius who turned to crime & anarchy.

This film finds Mabuse in an asylum.He is constantly writing down criminal plots.On the "outside" a criminal organization is following these plans to a "T".But how are they getting the plans?Is Mabuse really mad or is he faking it?Who is his accomplice?

The plot ideas are many.Different attacks on the Germany economy via forged bank notes, the destruction of a chemical factory to flood Berlin with poison gas,a gang member trying to escape the clutches of Mabuse and the possession of a doctor by the spirit of Dr Mabuse.

In the early 60's there was a revival of the Dr Mabuse series.Each one took a plot idea from this movie and made a film.The forgery plot was in The Invisible Dr Mabuse.The chemical factory was changed to a nuclear facilty in Return Of Dr Mabuse.The possession theme was used in the 1962 Testament Of Dr Mabuse.

While this doesn't make Testament a bad film it tends to cram too much into it.There are some wonderful visuals such as the auto chase through a very spooky wooded drive.The underbelly of the criminal gang is sordidly captured.The depressed German economy leads men astray into Mabuse's gang.

The print I saw was the subtitled German language film.The subtitles were poorly done and a lot of the conversations weren't subtitled enough.An enjoyable film but a minor classic at best.
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