This one is so sugary and sappy that it'll give you diabetes.
12 November 2003
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1927) was a very big budgeted silent film production that was one of the first Hollywood movies to use an actual cast of black and white actors working together. Most of the movies made during this era were segregated or had actors working in "black face". Even though the movie is loosely based upon the novel, it's still hard hitting.

This late 20's adaptation of the classic anti-slavery novel is so syrupy that it'll give you diabetes. If you haven't read the book watch this movie. If you've already read the book, then don't. The film was well made and directed but it's too happy for it's own good. The highlight of this film is Simon Legree. He drips with sleaze and he ranks right up their with Krug from Last House on the Left (1972) as one of the most vile and scuzzy villains in movie history.

Recommended for true film buffs.
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