
30 Reviews
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Signs (2002)
Perfect movie.
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Truly, an exceptional movie. There are very few movies out there that are perfect in every way. I believe that this is a perfect movie. There's absolutely nothing. I can find wrong with it critically.

The story is exceptionally enticing. The acting is perfect. Shyamalan's directing is exceptional and his camera work is exquisite. I love this movie so much I return to it probably twice a year to watch it and every time I watch it I find a new thing that is beautifully done and moving. The scene at the end of the movie when they find the alien in their living room holding Morgan is one of the best film scenes in movie history in my opinion, the tension that Shyamalan skillfully allows to be drawn out as the camera slowly moves and focuses on on all the actors, and then the inserted flashback where Graham's wife is against the tree, and then "swing away Merrill" coming from the dying mother, followed by the realization by Graham that nothing is a coincidence. I had chills then and I have chills now when I watch the movie. Well done, Mr. Shyamalan well done.
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19 August 2023
Crowe's acting was excellent. I thought he really did a great job. The problem was, however, that the story was just frankly ridiculous, and no matter how good someone is of an actor when you put them in a vehicle such as this, it's just an accident waiting to happen. I thought that the priest, who accompanied Father Gabriele was just an OK actor until the last scene he was in. I think the biggest problem with the movie was the fact that the young boy simply could not act. Every single scene that he was in I just felt he ruined if you're going to have a movie with subject matter such as this you really need to make sure that that character that the whole thing is centered around is really awesome in the role. Unfortunately, it was a tragic performance.
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I thought this movie was outstanding.
10 August 2023
I really wasn't sure what was going to take place after reading so many of the negative reviews. I hung in there and started to realize that the negative reviews were wrong. I found myself drawn in, and totally fascinated with this story. I thought it was just really well done and it proved it M Night Shyamalan is still one of the great modern day storytellers. I thought the cast was exceptional. I'm a big fan of Jonathan Groff from the Mindhunter series, and Dave Bautista was simply outstanding. I thought that the little actress that played their daughter was exceptional as well. I think it's definitely a great film to watch. It will certainly hold your attention.
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The Vanishing (II) (2018)
Wow, that was meh.
29 July 2023
I'm a big Gérard Butler fan and I love Peter Mullan's work. That being said nothing could have saved this movie. I haven't done a review in a really long time and I did for this movie because it was just that flat. I kept waiting for something to happen and it just seemed to spin in boring circles. Over and over and over. I just kept thinking something must happen but it just never really did. Period. I wonder if the actors during the making of this movie found themselves, bored even making it. I would love to hear some interviews from the Director as to what he was really trying to accomplish here.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Really bad...
29 December 2022
It's really hard to wrap your head around the fact that the same guy who is starring in this atrociously scripted fiasco of a movie was the same guy who played Oskar Schindler, Rob Roy, and Bryan Mills. This movie suffers from so many problems it's really hard to try to name just a few. I think it really comes down to bad acting, bad script, bad editing, and really overall, just a really bad storyline. Pretty much every actor in the movie was at the best, a "C" actor with the exception of Liam who was completely wasted in the storyline. Literally anyone could've played his role and not change the outcome of the movie one bit. Overall a real disappointment.
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Please David Fincher read this:
4 September 2022
Mr. Fincher, Mindhunter is the greatest show ever created on TV. Please make another season. I know you're busy making a wonderful movies etc. But this show is just exceptional. Other than Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I can't remember a TV series that has been so perfectly done as this. Your direction and the cast is so enjoyable. I have seen the series now seasons 1 and 2 three times and it just keeps getting better with each viewing. Hope you can find it within yourself to keep this going for many years coming. Every single actor that has played a notorious killer has been transformed into that person by your incredible make up team it is as if we are truly watching these people give their testimonies. It is very creepy that it is so believable, but that is just simply your incredible vision and direction. I think you probably the best modern day Director. Thank you so much again and praying for future episodes.
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
Hmmm...Jeff. and where are Walt and Jesse?
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The character of Jeff must have some sort of real important since they decided they needed to recast him halfway through the year. They wouldn't have gone to that trouble if Jeff doesn't play a very important role in Gene's future. Carol Burnett must also have some bigger role because she's really done nothing so far except be cranky. I really like the other Jeff much much better as far as the right actor for the job. A shame that he could not have continued on as part of the BCS universe.

Also really let down Bryan and Aaron were not in the show. Their names were listed in the cast for this episode weeks ago and then all of a sudden poof they are gone. And they're also nowhere else to be found through the rest of the last three episodes. Hopefully they will make their appearance.
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How in the heck did this win a Razzie for the worst picture?
24 July 2022
This movie was completely awesome. It had a great plot grade meaning behind it great special effects great action scenes great stunt work and it was constantly entertaining. You could tell that they put a lot of effort into this movie. Giving it a Razzie was not what Razzies were meant for.
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I have given all of Bill's specials 10 stars.....but
16 July 2022
Bill was great during the first couple of minutes of the show and then not a single comic was funny afterwards in my humble opinion. Was funny afterwards in my humble opinion. Several were actually really bad.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
It was during the making of Point and Shoot that Bob...
12 July 2022
Suffered from his nearly fatal heart attack. Lucky he was with Rhea and Patrick at the time or he would have died. I honestly felt like my heart was going to stop watching that episode!
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Can anybody say, "Overacting?"
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole thing seemed a bit too forced for me. I thought that both Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves could have toned down there acting a bit and try to go for something a little more subtle rather than so over the top -- it seemed almost comical at times. I also don't really care for the fact that Milton ended up being Kevin's father in the movie.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this movie probably five times now and I keep searching for what is the big deal about this picture. It gets all these incredible reviews from critics. I just can't figure out what it is that is so excellent about this picture. I just think it's really overall a boring movie with a bad soundtrack. I don't dispute that De Niro is a great actor and Scorsese is a great Director. I just think this movie is extremely overrated. I also would add that Paul Schrader (writer) and Scorsese allowing Travis Bickle to survive the event at the end of the movie and become a hero seemed so contradictory to the theme of the story. It seems like the movie would have had more impact if Travis's life had just ended after encounter in the hotel.
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Emmy Prediction Here...
27 April 2022
...annnndddd the Emmy.......... for Best Supporting Actor in a Television Drama Series.....goes to... Michael Mando for his portrayal of Nacho Varga in Better Call Saul!!!!!!
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Barry: forgiving jeff (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
25 April 2022
I am a big fan of the series, and it pains me to say that this first episode of the third season seemed to leave me extraordinarily flat and disappointed. It was a big build up the last episode of the second season and this just seems to take that storyline and just basically rip the carpet out from under it. Maybe it's just me, since it's been so long since the end of the last season, but I just didn't quite get where they're going. I hope to be proven wrong with the third season but so far it's a miss for me as a viewer.
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Midnight Mass (2021– )
Oh Boy...
1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I rated Flanagan's The Haunting of Hill House a solid 10/10---I would say 11/10 quite honestly...The only flaw I had with it at all was despite what an incredible actor Timothy Hutton is, I just couldn't see past his being the older version of Henry Thomas's character. They really looked nothing alike. I don't see why they just didn't add makeup to Henry Thomas's face and let him do the older parts himself. But EVERYTHING else was superb. Simply impeccable. Midnight Mass was a lot like Tarantino's From Dusk to Dawn. I am quite sure that was not what Flanagan was going for here, but it was just too strange...From Episode 1-3 I thought this might just be the greatest horror show ever created. The tone of the material, and the acting were so magnificent I was think this series was going to be perfect. Then...............bbbbbrrrreeeaaaakkkkkkkk.....................STRONG RIGHT TURN, it becomes a completely different movie....almost a demon vampire movie. It just suddenly wasn't something I could relate to the beginning source material. It seemed way too far fetched for a movie about religion and the lack of faith etc. I do think Flanagan is top notch and I look forward to many more projects from him.
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There's a very hot place that the Kowalski's will be spending eternity.
6 September 2021
Enjoy your afterlife in hell Kowalski's. What you have done to Bob's legacy is a sin that can only be punishable by spending eternity with the Satan himself.
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Peppermint (2018)
Great movie!
27 December 2020
Didn't care for the Title, or her name, 'Riley North'. Both could've been better. But other than that I thought the movie was very well done and the story line was fun-- wish they've gotten a little more into the history of how she got to be such a badass.
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Wonderful finale. Well done J.J.
1 January 2020
I think this movie may be the 4th best film in the franchise.

1. A New Hope/The Empire Strikes Back (interchangeable) 2. The Empire Strikes Back/A New Hope (interchangeable) 3. Rogue ONE 4. The Rise of Skywalker 5. The Return of the Jedi 6. The Revenge of the Sith 7. The Force Awakens 8. The Last Jedi 9. The Phantom Menace 10. Attack of the Clones 11. Solo

Just my $0.02. I loved it. A lot!
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Glass (2019)
Love the premise...hated the ending
22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely loved the premise of this movie. I think it would have been much much better without anything to do with comics. Just make it all about psychology. I mean......imagine in the Dark Knight, or Spiderman, or Iron Man, if every 10 minutes they were referencing comic books. Maybe if it was just once in the beginning to set the stage for Elijah's personality.....Also, I see no reason whatsoever to have David killed at the end of the movie. He was able to be fine and walk away from all of it, and he was murdered in front of everyone there. Everyone could see him being murdered! Did Shyamalan forget this was all happening in plain daylight, in a public place? It seemed unnecessary and forced and kind of left me flat and disappointed. McAvoy's performance was one for the ages I must say. If he doesn't get an Oscar nomination he was robbed IMHO.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Had it 10/10....had to tearfully drop it to a 7/10....breaks my heart :(
11 June 2019
I thought nothing could ever top Breaking Bad. I was convinced that after "The Rains of Castamere", "The Mountain and the Viper", and "Hardhome," that GOT was able to give BB a true run for its money. Then came the episode in Season 6, "The Battle of the Ba*t**ds"---and I realized that Breaking Bad was dethroned. Even after a weaker Season 7, I had the feeling that GOT had it in the bag as best drama ever made. Then came Season 8, and I realized that GOT became different somehow. It very rapidly began losing its quality and its well earned place atop television's own "Iron Throne." Breaking Bad retook its place on that throne, and the gap widened with each episode of the 8th season. It literally crashed harder and faster than Greg Norman on the final day of The Masters, or Jim Kelly or Dan Marino in a Super Bowl. I finally decided to lower my vote to 7/10. That is a C minus. That's the best I can honestly do. With the decimation of the series by the atrocious 8th season, that's really all it deserves. This is what is sometimes referred to as "Scr**wing the Pooch." Imagine if Rocky ended during the final boxing scene with Rocky Balboa just stopping during the fight and he began to literally scr** a pooch. It would seriously leave the viewer with an incredulous puzzled sickening moment and affect one viscerally and disturbingly. Thanks D & D for scr**ing the proverbial pooch after 7 seasons of previously perfect work. You guys deserve to take home every Razzie Award to be given out for the next 10 years.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Can you all just imagine what the actors must have felt......
22 May 2019
When they received the scripts for this episode and were doing the table read together with Benioff and Weiss sitting there with them?

I would be willing to bet the actors were disappointed beyond belief during the entire 8th season at the table reads, other than maybe Episode 8-02. The overall tone and dialog for all of the episodes were really really off from the other seasons.

I feel sorry for all of the hard work done by everyone during the series. All of the production and acting and cinematography were beyond exceptional, but the script and hurried nature of the final season really poisoned the legacy of this fine show. I can't understand how such a colossal disaster could have been created, and how there was no check point in place to run ideas and scripts by someone...ANYONE!

I know that this is just a show, but for some reason, I feel literally sick to my stomach when I think of what happened Sunday night.

I hope that we will hear from some of the people involved who had deep emotions about the last season. I want to hear from someone about the possibilities of concerns being shared about the storyline in the reading room and what D & D said in response to those concerns.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
20 May 2019

I was hoping for a 6th season that would allow me to say BB had been dethroned. But, alas...Breaking Bad still sits on the Iron Throne.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
You know Season 8 Episode 4 was bad, really bad---mostly because:
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Jon Snow starts to tell his sisters about his true identity, and the camera just cuts away.

Think about that for a moment.

Let it really sink in.

Now you see why the ratings are so low???
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Jon reduced to dragon riding and pinned down by a zombie dragon....
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Great battle and direction. Way to go Miguel Sapochnik. My rating is based on the writing. Jon brought back from the dead. Jon at Hardhome. Jon taking on the entire Bolton army standing alone on the battlefield during the "Battle of the Bastards". And now 'Aegon Targaryen' Jon riding Rhaegal for an hour, saying nothing for 90 minutes and getting pinned down by Viserion while the climax is taking place somewhere else in Winterfell......this really felt empty to me quite honestly, and wasted an opportunity for Jon to have his destiny moment. Is this GRRM's writing to come? Or is this D&D's musings? Who knows. Good for Arya, but it really felt not well thought out given what I think we all were lead to expect.
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Black Mirror should take home some more Emmys after this episode!
29 December 2018
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Black Mirror is such a creative show, constantly pushing the envelope with its writing and storytelling, and Bandersnatch is certainly an episode that has crossed over into another dimension. None of us have ever seen anything like it, and as I was watching the episode, I asked myself out loud, what is going on here? Are they really asking me to make a choice in an episode that is all about a guy creating a video game about making choices to change the storyline? I was flabbergasted and thus began the joy of playing a real life videogame using Netflix and Black Mirror. It was a blast. Gotta hand it to Charlie Brooker...what an amazing concept implemented perfectly. Bravo!!!!!!!!
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